On Sunday 21st April, Calvary will launch weekly Sunday services in Port Moresby, our first campus in Papua New Guinea!
Since late 2021, our core group Port Moresby has grown, under the leadership of Kila & Marie Kilaverave. What started with a handful of people in their lounge room has since grown, with now around 100 people in the nation’s capital calling Calvary ‘home’.
Papua New Guinea is home to over 10 million people, and amazingly, close to 60% of the population is under the age of 25. There is a new generation emerging and a new day of opportunity to shape the future of a nation with the message of Jesus. Church planting is the most effective and sustainable way to make a difference in the nation.
We’re almost ready to launch. We have great leaders, a strong core group, growing volunteer teams, and a plan to start on April 21. Now is the time for our wider Calvary family to play our part.
On Sunday March 24, across Calvary’s campuses in Queensland, we will bring a special Calvary Worldwide Port Moresby Launch Offering, so this new campus can start with strength.
Our goal is to give $200,000 to help fund Sunday service facilities, Calvary Kids equipment, university outreach initiatives, transport, and church life for Calvary Port Moresby’s first 12 months.
Together we can make a difference!
There are two ways you can contribute. First, by giving a special one-off offering on or before March 24th to resource the launch of Calvary Port Moresby. Or secondly, by becoming a Calvary Worldwide Partner by giving regularly to support our work in Papua New Guinea, and our broader range of missions initiatives.
Thank you for your generosity.
One Off Gift
Calvary Group
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device text ‘Calvary’ to
0488 202 202 or give online.
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