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Dustan Sarah
Our Lord’s last command echoes through the ages: “Go make disciples”.

It’s a command so simple, it can’t be misunderstood; yet so compelling, it’s carried men and women across oceans, borders, and cultures. A command issued to eleven yet taken up by billions. A command given to them, now delivered to all of us who bear His name.

It’s a call to go, a call to act, and a call to people. It’s a call so near to the heart of God, He promises nothing less than His presence to accompany us as we go, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Jesus promises His presence to those who go make disciples.

Speaking to everyday people who’d never travelled more than a few hundred kilometres from their hometown, Jesus inspired them to believe to be used by God in impacting their city, their nation, and their world. Any follower of Jesus and local church that takes Jesus’ command seriously will believe to do the same!

Through Calvary Worldwide our commitment is to play our part in ensuring the message of Jesus reaches as many people as possible in our day. In the pages that follow we share our plans to further the mission of Jesus through Calvary Worldwide initiatives and partnerships. We all have a part to play.

Together, we believe we can make a significant impact in our cities, our nation, and our world.

Dustan & Sarah Bell